Honduras Election Mess
On Monday, the Honduran Supreme Electoral Tribunal put Salvador Nasralla up 45.17%-40.21% over Juan Orlando Hernández. Then it stalled out and rumors flew of machinations to get Hernández the votes he needed.
It started moving again yesterday, and then when I awoke this morning, ta da! Hernández is winning 42.48%-41.7%.
This shift came right after the two candidates signed an agreement with the OAS to recognize the results, but then Nasralla basically said he would not accept all the results that were not proven. Nasralla's last tweet was from the middle of the night, where he called on his supporters to take (peacefully) to the streets.
Final results are expected by the end of today. If Nasralla loses, this will end very badly.
Meanwhile, Hernández calls for respecting the results and tweets about how great things will be. But this tweet from yesterday is probably not the best image to be transmitting to the world right now.
Update (11:35 am). JOH lead is now 43.54%-41.69% with 89.16% counted.
Update (2:42 pm). JOH lead narrows to 42.74%-41.55% with 91.09% counted.
Update (4:34 pm) JOH lead widens to 42.85%-41.48% with 92.02% counted.
Update (7:52 pm) JOH lead widens to 42.92%-41.43% with 92.63% counted.
Update (6:06 am) JOH lead stays almost identical at 42.92%-41.42% with 94.31% counted.