Sunday, March 26, 2006

Immigration Rally

Here’s an informative article in the LA Times about the very impressive rally in Los Angeles, which drew at least 500,000 in protest of the House version of immigration reform. There have been other similar protests around the country, some with decent numbers (though nothing like a half million). I knew the rally was coming up, but I must admit I was surprised at big it was (and pleased at how peaceful it was).

I’m not sure how much it will affect politicians with very few Latinos in their districts, but it will add yet another layer of complexity to the issue for many who do not want to alienate Latino voters (or who just think enforcement alone won’t work). The NYT had previously done a profile of Sen. John Cornyn, a conservative Republican from Texas, who has a 100% rating from the American Conservative Union but is being called a “sellout” and “not a true conservative” because he supports a guest worker program.

I’ll continue following and commenting on the debate, which begins this week.


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