Friday, September 21, 2007

I love it when a plan comes together

To the surprise perhaps only of a select group of the brain dead, the virtual fence at the border does not work. A winning quote:

"The integration of all the systems into a common operating picture continues to be the challenge," said Homeland Security spokesman Russ Knocke. Boeing has put new people on the project who are working to resolve the problems, he said.

Good, now I feel better. But there is an even better quote:

Boeing has "retooled their team on the ground and replaced some of the managers. ... They are now working through the problems of system integration as we speak," Chertoff said. "I think they put their A-team in place to do it."

If the real A-Team was on it, then it would get done, because Hannibal always has a plan. But this is the federal government, where pilot program failure just means you spend more money to make it fail even better.


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