Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Supply side

If you’d like to get a succinct view of supply side arguments about immigration and drugs, then check out Vicente Fox being interviewed by Bill O'Reilly. O’Reilly calmly explains why it’s mostly Mexico’s fault, though he does allow that the U.S. shares “some” of the blame.

My favorite quite is from O’Reilly: “The fence would help Mexico.” That is a new one.

My question: why did Vicente Fox even bother doing the interview? Something tells me most Fox News viewers aren't likely to buy his book anyway.

h/t Global Voice Online


Justin Delacour 3:50 PM  

My question: why did Vicente Fox even bother doing the interview? Something tells me most Fox News viewers aren't likely to buy his book anyway.

Well, Vicente Fox has one thing in common with FOX NEWS. He's a right-winger. All Jorge Castañeda's nonsense aside, the PAN is still the PAN.

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