Friday, August 29, 2008

Chile poll numbers

When asked "Who will be the next president of Chile?" here are the responses:

1. Sebastián Piñera (58.9%)
2. Ricardo Lagos (11.5%)
3. Soledad Alvear (4%)
4. José Miguel Insulza (3.4%)
5. Eduardo Frei (1.7%)
6. Joaquín Lavín (1.3%)

Note, however, that this did not question who the respondent would vote for, but rather just who they thought would get the most votes. When asked which coalition they would vote for (I don't know why they didn't ask which specific candidate) they got the following results:

40.3% Alianza por Chile
32% Concertación

President Bachelet herself has an approval rating of 46.9% and disapproval of 51.5%. Those numbers are more favorable than anything I've seen in a while.

Much will depend on the how the rest of Bachelet's term goes, though the right would be hard pressed to explain how it would handle the economy (or even Transantiago) any better. I would like to see responses to a question like, "Do you think the Concertación has been in power too long?" I think many people will have that in mind when they vote, regardless of the candidates.


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