Tuesday, March 05, 2013

Hugo Chávez died

Rumors of someone's death must eventually be true. I'm not sure the last time a president's death mattered so much for the politics of a Latin American country (maybe Juan Perón?). According to the Venezuelan constitution, there will be an election in 30 days. That election will pit Henrique Capriles against Nicolás Maduro, and Maduro will have the very clear advantage.

Chavismo is no bloc, however, and so assuming he wins Maduro will have to work hard to keep the coalition together. He will use foreign enemies as a foil as much as possible to generate unity, but will face internal political competition in a way that Chávez did not. I have a piece coming out in Americas Quarterly shortly arguing that ALBA will likely become less relevant as a result. Maduro will keep the close ties to Cuba, but he will also need to use resources for domestic constituencies more than Chávez did.


Otto 5:45 PM  

One detail: I think the election has to be called, rather than happen, within 30 days.

Defensores de Democracia 5:50 PM  

The Death of Hugo Chavez is not the end of his Demagoguery, Vulgarity, Grossness, Tackiness, Tawdriness, Aggressivity, Belligerance, Bellicosity, Hypocrisy, etc .... Before Christopher Columbus South America was ruled by mummies and the dead

Charles Dickens used to say that King Henry VIII was a shame for the History of England : "Charles Dickens called him "a spot of blood and grease on the history of England"

Well, Hugo Chavez is a great shame for the whole of Latin America, unfortunately Chavismo won't be buried in the same coffin with Chavez.

Think of dictators like Juan Domingo Peron, Augusto Pinochet or Generalisimo Francisco Franco. They are still powerful icons. And there are followers of Adolf Hitler, even in the United States and England.

Before Christopher Columbus South America was ruled by mummies and the dead, they kept the mummies in the villages in special straw hut temples. These mummies were the owners of the land and had to be honored and appeased with gifts of "chicha", an alcoholic beverage, coca leaves, etc ....

There were many parties for the mummies, many processions and sacrifices for the dead.

And Venezuela is the land of many Goddesses, Gods, Santerias, etc .... like Maria Lionza, El Indio Felipe, Jose Gregorio Hernandez, etc ... This is a paradise for magic. ...

While the Oil Rich Nation Venezuela falls in poverty, scarcity, crime, delinquency everywhere, other "poor" Latin American Nations ( in the neighborhood ) are doing great strides towards economic progress.

The Venezuelans have to look up to some of the "poor" nations of Latin America as more advanced in every sense, including Economic Dynamism, Entrepreneurship, Science, Journalism, Education, Diversified Exports and Economy, etc ...

While Venezuela lives only off oil exports and State Alms. The perfect Santa Claus Economy.

Vicente Duque


Justin Delacour 5:58 PM  

My lord, Vicente. The cadaver is still fresh, and yet you're already launching into a screed?

Greg Weeks 5:58 PM  

"se procederá a una nueva elección...dentros de los 30 días" I took to mean it would happen within 30 days, but am happy to be corrected if I am misinterpreting this.

Defensores de Democracia 7:45 PM  

Brutal Thugs in Venezuela are beating the foreign journalists - I am watching the images in TV - A Bloodbath of a Lady and a cameraman of RCN Television - Coward and Bastard Chavistas

I am looking for the Videos in NTN24, RCN and other Spanish Language Networks. I will post the Video Clips of the Bloodbath.

This is the legacy of a Government of Thugs, Scoundrels, Bastards and Cowards.

Venezuela is in the hands of Criminals and Violent Fanatics.

Defensores de Democracia 8:20 PM  

VIDEO OF BLOODBATH IN VENEZUELA TODAY : Brutal Chavista Thugs beat a young lady journalist and her cameraman. The young man is badly hurt and wounded but continues filming. - Ghastly, Shocking, Inspires Revulsion against Chavista Cowards and Bastards

What can you expect of a Government that protects thugs, criminals, delinquents, violent bastards in street politics ??

Agredida frente al Hospital Militar de Caracas la corresponsal de cadena aliada RCN

Published on Mar 5, 2013

Visita : http://www.ntn24.com - Carmen Andrea Rengifo, corresponsal del canal colombiano RCN, fue agredida por un grupo que esperaba frente al Hospital Militar, lugar en el que habría estado internado el presidente Chávez durante sus últimos días de vida.

Rengifo buscó durante el ataque la protección de la policía, pero no encontró ningún efectivo para protegerla a ella y a su camarógrafo.

La periodista además fue perseguida por varios metros por la turba de agresores. Durante su escapada se escucharon disparos.

Agredida frente al Hospital Militar de Caracas la corresponsal de cadena aliada RCN


Kario 11:18 PM  
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Kario 11:21 PM  

Chavez certainly had his issues, but I do wonder what this will mean for the underrepresented populations that heavily supported him. I don't know enough about Maduro to determine if he can hold the coalition you referred to together. It should be quite interesting to follow.

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