Sunday, April 17, 2011

Quote of the day: Cuba

Two plus two is four. Never five, much less six or seven, as we have sometimes pretended.

--Raúl Castro on the continued reform of the Cuban economic and political model

Of course, this conflicts directly with his assertion that Cubans will enjoy free access to a wide variety of social services.  It will be interesting to see whether the state opens the door for, say, small medical businesses for those with money.

I also assume that embargo supporters will argue that it is the reason this is happening.


leftside 8:38 PM  

Of course, this conflicts directly with his assertion that Cubans will enjoy free access to a wide variety of social services.

Actually there has been a whole lot of discussion that Cuba can not afford all of its current services (ie. subsidized food and other goods through the ration cards, the subsidization of non-essential state enterprises, etc). Raul reiterated both points over the weekend.

It will be interesting to see whether the state opens the door for, say, small medical businesses for those with money.

Not sure why this is interesting, or desirable. A two-tiered health system is a disgusting and immoral feature of capitalism, not Cuban socialism. Health tourism, whereby rich foreigners pay tons of money for services in order to subsidize public health, is already in place.

BTW, there is a pretty comprehensive listing of all the reforms enacted by Raul here.

Slave Revolt,  5:40 AM  

It will be interesting to see if the US opens it's medical system for those without insurance or money. Lol

Ineed, the greedy, inefficient, and disastrous disease management system here in the US is a huge reason that relations with Cuba are not opened.

Can you imagine the millions of US citizens going to Cuba for dental, chemotherapy, etc., etc.

Greg, your reflexive smearing of Cuba, and any movement in the Americas that bucks the tired Monroe Docterine DNA is intellectual prostitution.

Grow some critical thing skills and some cajones.

Ooh.....tenure. I forgot. Lol

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