Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Poverty in Latin America

The good news is that according to ECLAC, poverty in Latin America has decreased over the past two decades, from 48.4% to 31.4%. What I found interesting is that although the top reducers reflect different ideological models, the clear losers are those with close ties to the United States and predominantly market-oriented policies since 1990:

Among the countries that saw the biggest drops in poverty are Peru, Ecuador, Argentina, Uruguay and Colombia. 
Poverty increased only in Honduras and Mexico.

Well, and there that whole unconstitutional coup thing. Those don't tend to help the poor.


Defensores de Democracia 1:03 PM  

Mr Weeks
Thanks for Important Information

BBC : According to United Nations : Peru and Colombia, Two countries that are close allies of the United States reduce poverty - But we should not interpret these as good news for American conservatives or liberals.

These are not good news for the Right or Left in the USA or Europe. ..... Because these Latin Nations use a mixture of Conservative and Liberal Ideas in their Economies. They are experimenting and are somewhat eclectic ( using all tools ) to see if they can progress.

Their rate of progress is moderate and they are surviving the World Economic Crisis, however these are not the "Asian Tigers" that grew at rates of 9% or 10%. Latin nations have more moderate growths.

The Recent "Conservative" triumph in Spain's Elections does not mean that Conservatism is the Wave of the Future and that Liberalism is foolish.

British Broadcasting Corporation BBC
United Nations economic body for Latin America
Latin America poverty level lowest in 20 years, says UN
November 30, 2011


Anonymous,  9:18 PM  

Greg, that is some pretty superficial analysis on your part. A little nod to anti-Americanism and general support for redistribution of wealth. Gimme a break. To take just one glaring example from this report, based on statistics supplied by the governments themselves, declares Argentina's poverty rate went from 45% to 9% between 2002 and 2010. Its rate of extreme poverty from 21% to 3%. This is not credible information. It is true that Argentina has had steady and strong economic growth since the depths of their crisis but no honest government, nor analyst, would dare say with a straight face that these numbers reflect the social reality of Argentina. Much of the purchasing power from the increased economic growth has been mitigated by high rates of inflation. The government lies about that rate and pretends the poor who inhabit the industrial suburbs of Buenos Aires are living middle class lives.

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