Sunday, January 14, 2007

More from Hugo Chávez

Hugo Chávez and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad are all hugs and have announced vague plans to fund unspecified projects around the world to counter U.S. imperialism. My best guess is this means free or heavily subsidized oil.

Chávez said the U.S. needs to accept the "new realities of Latin America," which suggests that once again he might be overplaying his hand, as he did when inserting himself into the Mexican and Peruvian presidential elections. The "new realities" will not likely include an enhanced role for Iran, as its role in funding terrorism in Argentina does not sit well with President Kirchner.

One reality in Latin America is that the Bush administration is exceedingly unpopular, but Chávez is mistaken if he thinks this automatically translates into his own popularity. He's dusting off some slogans that are oldies but goodies (e.g. "Death to U.S. imperialism!") but so far I'm not seeing this as a regional trend.

However, as long as U.S. policy is being made by Cold Warriors who believe it is still 1985, the U.S. will remain a legitimate target for complaint, and will be the perfect enemy for Chávez to use in speeches.


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