Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Evo Morales interview

Evo Morales will be interviewed by Jon Stewart on The Daily Show tonight. I don’t know enough about his personality to predict what that will be like, but he will have an enormous audience who most likely has never heard of him, or only vaguely knows who he is. He can therefore generate some sympathy, though if he bombs the bad PR could be pretty nasty.


Miguel Centellas 5:03 PM  

When he doesn't take himself too seriously (his "Castro" moments), Evo has a really good sense of humor. And he certainly has a sense of the theatrical. As long as he "mantiene honda con Jon Stewart" he should be fine (from a PR relations stance).

Anonymous,  11:28 PM  

The interview was outstanding. He sounded like Ghandi and looked like a saint. He score so many points with this. Amazing

Greg Weeks 8:52 AM  

I think he looked relaxed and sounded reasonable. I'm not sure if he scored so many points, though, as the interview was mostly platitudes and largely forgettable. But maybe others reacted differently.

Rogelio Aranda 11:52 AM  

I had largely the same reaction as you, Greg. I have to admit, part of me was hoping for something more substantial, but in effect, this interview was his "Hola America. I'm Evo." of sorts.

Miguel Centellas 3:17 PM  

He stayed "on message" (or talking points), which is good. But it was just platitudes w/ little substance, so not memorable. More importantly (as TDS fan): it just wasn't funny.

Greg Weeks 3:32 PM  

Especially given the need for translation, I think humor is tough to get. Especially at the beginning, it seemed like he wasn't sure whether Jon Stewart was joking or not.

Anonymous,  4:20 PM  

Greg, I agree with your comments on the interview, but remember that it was on the Daily Show, not known for its hard hitting interviews :)

I wonder if he did his homework on what type of show the Daily show is.

It was intersting to see Evo in a different setting.

Greg Weeks 6:13 PM  

Ka, true enough, but shoot, just having a Latin American president beats out everyone else.

BTW, I neglected to say welcome to Rogelio, who runs the Spanish language blog for our city's main newspaper, the Charlotte Observer. Just click on his name for access to the blog.

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