Friday, March 02, 2012

Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere

A bill on Iran-Latin America ties is starting on its way through Congress. Click here for the full text of H.R. 3783, the Countering Iran in the Western Hemisphere Act of 2012.

It essentially mirrors public declarations about the topic, which means it combines solid facts (of which there are plenty) with rumors written in the passive tense to avoid admitting that the sources are unknown.

The thrust of the bill is to require the Secretary of State to document Iran's role in the hemisphere and discuss policy options to counter Iranian influence.  That former point should not be controversial--it's worthwhile to have a comprehensive look, especially one that sticks to the facts.

The problem with the bill comes with the details of the latter.  The bill requires pressuring Latin American countries to participate in a "multiagency action plan." Since at this point even the "allies and partners" of the United States don't necessarily agree with the threat perception, this could easily backfire.

There is also the question of addressing "the vital national security interests of the United States in securing energy supplies from the Western Hemisphere."  This, of course, can mean anything and will immediately look like a threat to oil-producing countries (and given the authors of the bill it is quite likely intentional in that regard).

Given the current tensions with Iran and the desire not to look weak in an election year, I would venture to say its chances are good at passage in some form. If it does get to that point, then I hope it ends up looking less unilateral.


Justin Delacour 1:00 PM  

It essentially mirrors public declarations about the topic, which means it combines solid facts (of which there are plenty)...

I think the relevant question is whether Latin America's economic relatons with Iran are in any way a national security threat to the United States. Are there any "solid facts" on that score?

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