Saturday, June 28, 2008

Uribe needs a vacation

President Uribe's advisors say he does not plan for the referendum to extend his current term, which ends in 2010. It seems mostly to be about being angry at the Supreme Court, which is calling into question the legitimacy of the 2006 election. This raises a host of new questions.

--Yesterday I speculated that this was a back door to another term, or at least partial term. If this is definitely not true, why doesn't Uribe himself say so? That would dampen much of the speculation.

--If this goes through, would congressional elections also be repeated? This is what the president of the Congress suggests

--Does such a referendum have a legal basis?

--Even if it does, is it worth all the money, hassle, and confusion?

--Finally, why does he make such a declaration at midnight? He needs a vacation.


Boli-Nica 10:34 AM  

-Finally, why does he make such a declaration at midnight? He needs a vacation.

Workaholic, doesn't sleep, no vacations. Up till real, real late..and is up jogging at 6 am. Just like his buddy Chavez who also puts in crazy workweeks and is up in wee hours of the morning doing things like calling Colombians Army Chief of Staff at 1:30 in the morning.

Anonymous,  6:36 PM  

--It seems mostly to be about being angry at the Supreme Court, which is calling into question the legitimacy of the 2006 election.

Just for clarification, I don't think that the Supreme Court called the election's legitimacy into, it called Uribe's eleigibility to stand for re-election into question. Since the Colombia constitution at the time did not permit re-election, and since the Supreme Court struck down the enabling legislation, it appears that the Colombian constitution still only permits 1 term and Alvaro is illegitimately holding the presidency. Technicality, but, I think, more accurate.

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