Wednesday, November 15, 2006

U.S.-Venezuela podcast

My second podcast, a look at U.S.-Venezuelan relations, is now up on my website. Thanks yet again to Scott Phillipson, who reduced the size of the files and made it much easier to just click and listen.


Anonymous,  11:56 AM  

I like the word "Bushista" :)

I'm glad to see others people don't fall into the black or white trap (i.e pro-Bush anti-Chavez or vice versa). It isn't just their forign policy that is similar but their domestic one too. In particular the use of fear to control its citizens, terrorism in the case of Bush and invasion with Chavez. In addition to concentrating power in the executive branch. Any ways good podcast!

Greg Weeks 2:53 PM  

Thanks. I must admit the inspiration for the podcast was that I am getting tired of both of them.

Perhaps another similarity that neither faces a coherent opposition.

Anonymous,  1:08 AM  

I enjoy the podcast. I listen to so many professors from all of the US and beyond, who have decided to post them free on iTunes. And even one of my favorite Senators, Leahy, has postings almost daily. Any chance there will be more (in lesser time) of yours, Prof Weeks?


Greg Weeks 7:26 AM  

The short answer is probably not, though I'll try. The essential issue is time. Writing them is fun, but time consuming.

I do need to figure out how to get my stuff on iTunes--I'll need to work with our tech guy.

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