Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Voting machines

I wonder how many voting machines had problems today. There are already scattered reports. There is even one story of a guy going nuts and destroying one with a paper weight (which carries a charge of felony criminal mischief and tampering with voting machines).

I used an ES&S iVotronic touch screen machine to vote today, which also produces a printed copy as you go. I asked whether they'd had any problems, and the answer was no. At that point (11:30 a.m. or so) all had been working fine.


Anonymous,  11:24 PM  

When I voted today I used a fill in the bubble, with an ink pen type ballot! It felt like an exam.

How about the Choking of a Voter in Kentucky. Is this a new type of electioneering?


Greg Weeks 9:24 AM  

Now that is bizarre. Here are more details on that story:

"A spokesman for the sheriff's office said the dispute happened Tuesday morning in Louisville. The voter tried to beg off casting a ballot in a judicial election because he said he didn't know enough about the candidates. The poll worker on duty told the citizen he had to vote anyway."

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