Latin America and immigration
Seven Latin American countries are joining Mexico in its amicus curiae for the Arizona immigration law:
Bolivia, Colombia, El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Paraguay and Peru filed separate, nearly identical motions to join Mexico's legal brief supporting the lawsuit filed by U.S. civil rights and other advocacy groups.
A federal judge formally accepted Mexico's filing July 1 but did not immediately rule on the latest motions filed late last week.
One of the less examined aspects of recent debates over immigration is the activism of Latin American governments, which transcends ideology. Mexico is the most obvious case, and I've written about Felipe Calderón's statements before, but it is evident across the region. It may well be one of the few things that governments as disparate as Bolivia and Colombia can agree upon. It should be a topic of conversation for regional organizations.
Prescott Arizona Daily Courier : State Insurance Pool files Lawsuit against Arizona SB1070 : Self-insurance pool for dozens of smaller Arizona cities and towns want to put provisions of SB1070 on hold, pending a final Federal Ruling
Arizonan Officials filing lawsuits against Arizona - This shows the Improvisation, Recklessness, Carelessness and Irresponsibility of the Arizona Legislature.
Prescott Arizona Daily Courier
Editorial: SB 1070 law must be enforced consistently
July 20, 2010
Editorial: SB 1070 law must be enforced consistently
Some excerpts :
The Arizona Municipal Risk Retention Pool on Monday asked for permission to file a brief explaining that municipalities could face costly lawsuits over a provision that prohibits release of an arrested person until the person's immigration status is determined, according to The Associated Press.
The self-insurance pool for dozens of smaller Arizona cities and towns wants a federal judge to put that provision of the state's new immigration enforcement law on hold, pending a final ruling on its legality.
The bill is to become law July 29, 2010, unless the judge stays all or part of it, pending the lawsuits' outcome.
The insurance pool says municipalities could see lawsuits from people detained if the provision is ultimately ruled invalid. And it says there could be costly lawsuits if the provision isn't enforced.
Its first concern could be a matter of civil rights; however, these concerns remain to be seen. Even the federal lawsuit does not focus on this provision.
The insurance pool admits that some of its members support the law and others oppose it. That means - extrapolating from the APME studies - jurisdictions may be picking and choosing what they will and won't enforce when it comes to SB 1070. If that's the case, the insurance pool is right: We've got a big problem.
Vicente Duque : Federal Judge Susan Bolton seems to disagree with Arizona Senators Jon Kyl and John McCain on the Constitutionality of SB1070 - The Senators support this New Law
Judge appears to disagree with sponsoring senator on Arizona immigration law
By AMDC Homeland Security Examiner Mickey McCarter
July 23, 2010
Some excerpts :
A federal judge in Arizona questioned the constitutionality of the state's immigration registration law Thursday afternoon, sharply contrasting with the view of the US senator who recommended her to the federal bench.
Judge Susan Bolton of the US District Court of Arizona noted in the hearing that the US Supreme Court consistently has ruled against states that have attempted to make it illegal not to carry documentation of immigration status.
The Arizona law in question (SB 1070) requires police to check the legal identification of any individual stopped legally for another law enforcement inquiry.
But Bolton expressed skepticism over the Arizona law in the first hearings over a US lawsuit against it Thursday, as the US Justice Department sought an injunction to keep the law from going into effect starting July 29.
Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl (R), who recommended Bolton to her current job in 2000, has supported the Arizona law. He has argued that Arizona was forced to pass the strict identification check law in response to a federal failure to secure the US southwest border.
Kyl and his fellow senator from Arizona, John McCain, have protested the Obama administration's lawsuit against Arizona.
Youth, Minorities, Demography and Politics :
Vicente Duque
I think Argentina wants to get in on this also.
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